Feb 3, 2017

Tara Toy Poodle Staycation

Tara, a 5 year old Toy Poodle girl, was back with me for Staycation this eve of Chinese New Year.  It has been quite a while since she last boarded with me so she needed a little warm up when she arrived at my house.  She was timid, although she preferred a quiet corner she did roam freely with my fur kids in the house.  When meal time came, I brought her to a private space with no distraction so that she can focus on her food.  First two days were about adjustments, however, with the daily walks, talks, assurance and patience, Tara started to move from a shy girl to becoming so at home with us.  She slept together with me on my bed, walked together with the gang, stopped and admired the spa pool, ate her meals together with our fur kids, joined the fur kids when treats were given and even get up close to kiss me, my kids were so happy too to have her this Chinese New Year.  However, there is always an end to a staycation, I told Tara that I will miss her when she returns home and she immediately dived her head into my lap.  How sweet and touching, I know she felt me.  Of all the fur kids that have boarded with me, they are part of my family too, and I always look forward to seeing them again. 

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