Jan 6, 2017

Its All About Positive Energy between Human and Dog

When we were first engaged to groom Momo about 3-4 years ago, our impression of her was that she was a timid dog who was very scared of grooming and has a tendency to bite when touched.  However, our groomer approached her in a calm, patient and assertive manner to gain her trust and Momo started to show friendly gestures towards our groomer.  Regular grooming requested by the pet owner is much appreciated as that will further help Momo.  This recent grooming session is the best ever.  Our groomer invited the pet owner to sit through the whole grooming process where she could witness how our groomer successfully groomed Momo without the need to muzzle her during the cutting of nails and Momo was calm throughout the grooming.  Our groomer did it through assurance, communication and care.

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