Dec 6, 2016

Norfolk Terrier

A 5 year old Norfolk Terrier, had his new look for Christmas this month.  He welcomed us at the gate with his wagging tail till we landed our grooming equipment in his house.  He cooperated with us throughout the grooming process at the comfort of his home, no fear no anxiety but just wagging of his tail, thumbs up for him.  We try to keep the norfolk terrier look for him but due to matted fur surrounding his muzzle, underchin, legs, ears and belly, we did the best trim for him. Before we closes the gate, he barks at us, awww sorry Raffles we have to go on to the next appointment, we can't stay but we hope to see you again.  At the very last look before we took off in the car, we saw Raffles behind the closed glass door still looking at us but this time not barking. Perhaps he is asking himself "Aunty, when will you be back again?".  A very happy dog with a very happy family (video to be viewed on Desktop PC).

 Receiving us at the gate

Before grooming
Touching Up
Seeing us off behind glass door
 A very happy boy

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