Dogs have a way of bring you back to earth. Their affection shames pretense. They are guileless. Carrison Keillor. B. 1942.

The two girls who love to pamper dogs when we walk every evening. Girls, we missed you! ( Right side girl moved away from Singapore since August.)

Little Sunny boy, only 5 months old and at 1 kg only, opted for mobile grooming at home.

Cute lilttle tea cup Toy Poodle Styled by King

Hugo the Toy Poodle of this little boy got groomed at home.

Toy Poodle shuttled by owner in a motorcycle to my home for grooming.

Guess how old is this cute little Yorkie? He is close to 15 years old.

Juster, the Japanese Spiltz Got groomed at home.

my lovely Maeko, Silky Terrer only 3 kg or less. She is 4 years old .

Can u guess my breed?

Hugo, the Toy Poodle who boarding long term with us.

Do I look cute from this view?

Mei Mei loved much by Ma Ma, and only will allow grooming at home.

Going for walk!

Hugo, the Toy Poodle.

Tara and Hugo. Trying to make friend at boarding.

Bear Bear looking healthy with care and love from owner got her love and regular grooming weekly by Mobile Dog Stylists.

Bear Bear, The Chow Chow love to look at herself in the mirrow after grooming.

Another view of Bear Bear with her tonge out after grooming.

Junior, a Jack Rusell crossed Chihuahua. He is very shy dog, He allows King to groom her regularly.

Junior always happy when King send him home after grooming. He is a Home boy.
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