Feb 4, 2014

Maltese cross Poodle- Maltipoo Home Grooming

On the eve of Chinese New Year, Mobile Dog Stylists- were booked to groom Chu Chu- a Maltipoo at her home. This is the 3rd time I was booked to groom this Maltipoo- a Maltese crossed Poodle at her home. Miss Vevian, the owner, also adopted a Chihuahua from Voices of Animal. Chihuahua is called Duffy.
Chu Chu and Duffy were groomed regularly by King at their home since three months ago. Vevian is a very responsible owner and dog lover. She make sure that her two doggies are groomed once a month. She is a ture believer of Home Grooming for her doggies.

Happy Owner, Vevian with Chu Chu - Maltipoo ready for Chinese New Year
Duffy, Chihuahua with little Ribbon for New Year.

Chu Chu well behaved on grooming table with King.

Duffy getting a nail cutting by Jes.

Maltipoo looking happy when grooming.

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Toy Poodle and Maltipoo Grooming at home -We come to your home and save traveling time for you

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