Jan 2, 2017

Yorkshire Terrier and West Highland Terrier - A long time customer

Our long time customer with us for few years - Cookie and Coco.  Each time I arrive at their house for grooming, both Cookie and Coco happily come to the door to receive me.  Both of them are so used to me grooming them and I am always so happy to see them being so joyful after their grooming.  They never fail to send me out of the door even to the lift landing when I leave their house.  So sweet of them.  Happy fur kids in a happy and kind family.

Cookie, the Yorkshire Terrier is a stroke patient.  She is so petite and adorable that you cannot tell that she is already 14years old.  Very strong and vibrant girl still, anyone who meets her will definitely likes her because she has a sparkling pair of eyes at her age (Video to be viewed on Desktop PC).

Coco, the West Highland Terrier, is younger then Cookie.  She is just as lovely.  She is the first to run to the gate.  Although she got matted fur in between her paws, she did not squeak when we trim out all the matted fur for her, well done Coco.

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