Dec 20, 2016


Aggie, a senior 14 year old maltese girl, had her grooming at home for her upcoming birthday in a few day's time.  As her fur is matted especially both front legs, furkid owner's mom requested to have them trim short.  Aggie does snap and bite when come to nails cutting and due to one of her front leg has arthritis, so when we attend to her, we have to be watchful and assure her of the process.  Our groomer was asked to cut the nails shorter but she explained and showed furkid owner's mom about the quick opening that she cannot proceed or the nails will bleed, at least now Aggie is not walking on her nails.  Our groomer loves to interact, when she learnt that Aggie is afraid of bathing, she showed furkid owner's mom how it should be done that Aggie will not be afraid and furkid owner's mom witness the calmness of Aggie during bath and sat through the grooming process.  As a senior dog of 14 years old, Aggie is in pink health under good care of the owner and his mom.  Happy birthday to Aggie, stay healthy and be loved always (Video to be viewed on Desktop PC).

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